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Bundle Darmsanierung für kleine Hunde bis 10 kg
Bundle Darmsanierung für kleine Hunde bis 10 kg
Das Bundle besteht aus:1 x 100 g DarmRein Pro1 x 250 ml DarmAktiv Hund & Katze DarmRein ProErgänzungsfuttermittel (Pulver, Kapseln) für Hunde, Katzen und andere HeimtiereFür die Darmreinigung - zur bedarfsgerechten Zufütterung bei ernährungsbedingten Verdauungsstörungen und DarmproblemenDie in Baumrinden enthaltenen Gerbstoffe können zu einer oberflächlichen Verdichtung der Darmschleimhaut mit Ausbildung einer Schutzschicht im Darm beitragen. Dadurch wird ein vermehrter Wasseraustritt verhindert. Der Darminhalt wird weniger flüssig, und die entstandene Schutzschicht erschwert das Eindringen von Bakterien, Gift- oder Reizstoffen.Eine naturnahe Ernährung sollte sich am Speiseplan wildlebender Tiere orientieren. So konnte bei Beobachtungen von verschiedenen wildlebenden Tierarten festgestellt werden, dass auch Rinden der Bäume und Sträucher einen festen Nahrungsbestandteil bilden.Die im DarmRein Pro enthaltenen Baumteile sind sehr reich an Mineralien und Spurenelementen. Sie enthalten faserreiche Strukturen, aber auch wertvolle Nährstoffe. Dadurch wird die Nähr-und Vitalstoffaufnahme im Darm verbessert. Zusätzlich unterstützen die enthaltenen B-Vitamine, Spurenelemente und essentiellen Aminosäuren die Darmgesundheit und damit das unspezifische Immunsystem.Zusammensetzung: Bierhefezellwände (MOS), Weidenrinde, Ulmenrinde, KoriandersamenZusatzstoffe/kg: Technologische Zusatzstoffe: Bentonit (1m558i) 335 g. Aromastoffe: Oregano-Öl 4,5 g.Die Gesamtmenge an Bentonit darf den in Alleinfuttermitteln zulässigen Höchstgehalt von 20000 mg/kg Alleinfuttermittel nicht übersteigen.Analytische Bestandteile: Rohprotein 10,2%, Rohfett 2,0%, Rohfaser 4,9%, Rohasche 35,2%, salzsäureunlösliche Asche 29,0%, Kalzium 0,77%, Phosphor 0,17%Fütterungsempfehlung (Pulver): 1 x täglich dem Futter beifügen. Hunde: 2-4 g/10 kg Körpergewicht für mindestens 30 Tage. Katzen: 1-2 g/5 kg Körpergewicht für mindestens 14 Tage. Nager: 1 Prise über mindestens 14 Tage 1 x täglich. 1 halber TL entspricht ca. 1,7 g. Höchtmenge von DarmRein Pro: 59,5 g/kg Alleinfuttermittel.Fütterungsempfehlung (Kapseln): Hunde: 2-3 Kapseln/5 kg Körpergewicht über mindestens 30 Tage 1 x täglich füttern. Katzen: 1-2 Kapseln/5 kg Körpergewicht für mindestens 14 Tage. Kapselfüllmenge: ca. 0,55 g. Höchtmenge von DarmRein Pro: 59,5 g/kg Alleinfuttermittel.Die gleichzeitige orale Verabreichung von Makroliden ist zu vermeiden. DarmAktiv Hund & Katze Ergänzungsfuttermittel (Flüssigkeit, fermentiert) für Hunde und KatzenZur ernährungsbedingten Unterstützung der DarmfloraFür die Herstellung von DarmAktiv werden Wild- und Gewürzpflanzen zusammen in einem natürlichen Vorgang fermentiert. Während dieser Fermentation vermehren sich die probiotischen Mikroorganismen und produzieren dabei die für uns so wertvollen Stoffe wie z.B. Milchsäure, Antioxidantien, Enzyme und Vitamine. Durch diese besondere Mischung wertvoller Milchsäurebakterien und Co. kann sich der pH-Wert im Verdauungstrakt regulieren, die Entwicklung pathogener Bakterien wird auf natürliche Weise vermindert. Dadurch wird DarmAktiv zu einem ganzheitlichen Produkt, in dem sich alle Komponenten gegenseitig ergänzen und gemeinsam wirken.Die fermentierten Kräuter im DarmAktiv unterstützen das Gleichgewicht der Darmflora und die gesamte mikrobiologische Situation. Dadurch wird die physiologische Verdauung gefördert und das natürliche Immunsystem angeregt.- Milchfrei und daher auch bei einer Unverträglichkeit von Milchprodukten sehr gut geeignet.- Zuckerfrei und damit auch für Diabetiker geeignet. Während des Fermentationsprozesses vermehren sich die Milchsäurebakterien, indem sie die Zucker abbauen und in Milch- und Essigsäure verwandeln. Erst wenn die Zucker vollständig abgebaut sind, ist der Fermentationsprozess abgeschlossen.- Enthält keinen Alkohol.- Die enthaltenen Kräuter sind nach der Fermentation nicht mehr in der ursprünglichen Form vorhanden und werden dadurch homöopathieverträglich und zumeist problemlos verträglich.Expertentipp: Vor der Erstverfütterung ist DarmRein empfehlenswert!Zusammensetzung: Brennnessel, Echinacea, Hibiskus, Oregano, Pfefferminze, Bockshornkleesamen, Spitzwegerichblätter, Süßholzwurzel, Schafgarbenkraut, Wermutkraut, Eibischwurzel, Thymian, Rhabarberwurzel, Anis, Fenchel, Himberblätter, Schlüsselblumenwurzel, Aroniabeerentrester, Hauhechelwurzel, Rosmarinblätter, Sonnenblumenblüten, Steinsalz, ZuckerrohrmelasseAnalytische Bestandteile: Rohprotein 0,2%, Rohfaser 0,2%, Rohfett 0%, Rohasche 0%, Feuchte 98,3%, Natrium 0,031%Fütterungsempfehlung: 1,5-2 ml/5 kg Körpergewicht 1 x täglich dem Futter über mindestens 4-6 Wochen beifügen. Danach wird eine regelmäßige Fütterung 1-2 x pro Woche oder je nach Bedarf empfohlen.Kühl und dunkel lagern, vor Frost schützen!

COLUMBAVet GutActive 100 ml
COLUMBAVet GutActive 100 ml
Complementary feed (liquid, fermented) for pigeonsFeeding-related support of the intestinal floraDue to dewormings, vaccinations, antibiotic administrations, in stressful situations, or due to unbalanced and incorrect feeding, the natural intestinal flora can be impaired, and it can lead to a faulty colonization of the intestinal mucosa. To counteract this condition nutritionally-related, COLUMBAVet GutActive has been developed.For the production of COLUMBAVet GutActive, wild and spice plants are fermented together in a natural process. During this fermentation process, the probiotic microorganisms multiply and produce substances that are so valuable for the pigeons, such as f.e. lactic acid, antioxidants, enzymes, and vitamins. At the same time, through this special mixture of, among other things, valuable lactobacilli, the pH value in the digestive tract can be regulated and the development of pathogenic bacteria naturally reduced.COLUMBAVet GutActivesupports the immune systemimproves feed conversionsupports the balance of the natural intestinal floraWhen is the feeding of COLUMBAVet GutActive particularly important?after dewormingsafter vaccinationsafter antibiotic administrationsin stress situationsin young animals after weaning from goiter‘s milkduring travelduring breedingduring moltComposition: stinging nettle, echinacea, hibiscus, oregano, peppermint, stevia, fenugreek seed, ribwort plantain leaves, licorice root, yarrow herb, wormwood herb, marshmallow roots, thyme, Chinese rhubarb root, anise, fennel, raspberry leaves, cowslip roots, aronia berries pomace, spiny restharrow roots, rosemary leaves, sunflower blossoms, rock salt, sugar cane molassesAnalytical constituents: crude protein 0.2%, crude fiber 0.2%, crude fat 0%, crude ash 0%, moisture 98.3%, sodium 0.031%Feeding recommendation: in case of acute need and at the first feeding 5 ml/1 kg feed or 2 ml/1 L drinking water, at regular feeding 1-2 x weekly.Protect from frost and heat! COLUMBAVet GutActive keeps only for 3 days, when it has been mixed into the feed!

Content: 0.1 Liter (€109.50* / 1 Liter)

DurchfallStopp Plus 60 g
DurchfallStopp Plus 60 g
Diät-Ergänzungsfuttermittel (Pulver, Kapseln) für Hunde und KatzenLinderung akuter Resorptionsstörungen des Darms - `bei und nach akutem Durchfall´Pektine sind mehr als nur Ballaststoffe. Diese pflanzlichen Polysaccharide, die von Natur aus in vielen Obstsorten vorkommen, fungieren als natürliches Geliermittel. Im Darm angekommen, binden sie überschüssige Feuchtigkeit und können so eine natürliche Hilfe bei Verdauungsstörungen sein. DurchfallStopp Plus bindet Feuchtigkeit, unterstützt die natürliche, schleimhaltige Schutzbarriere des Darms und hilft den durch Durchfall gestressten Mineralienhaushalt zu füllen.Expertentipp: Für eine schnellere Startwirkung kann die Fütterungsmenge von DurchfallStopp Plus am Anfang verdoppelt werden. Bei ernährungsbedingten Durchfällen kann es auch in Kombination mit DarmAktiv zur Unterstützung eingesetzt werden.Zusammensetzung: Bananenpulver, Queckenwurzel, Totes Meer Salz, EichenrindeZusatzstoffe/kg: Technologische Zusatzstoffe: Bentonit (1m558i) 290 g.Die Gesamtmenge an Bentonit darf den in Alleinfuttermitteln zulässigen Höchstgehalt von 20000 mg/kg Alleinfuttermittel nicht übersteigen.Analytische Bestandteile: Rohprotein 3,0%, Rohfett 0,2%, Rohfaser 6,0%, Rohasche 32,0%, salzsäureunlösliche Asche 30,0%, Natrium 2,2%, Kalium 0,8%. Kohlenhydratquelle: BananenFütterungsempfehlung (Pulver): Über 1-7 Tage täglich dem Futter beifügen. Katzen: 0,5 g/Tier. Hunde: 0,5 g/10 kg Körpergewicht. 1 viertel TL entspricht ca. 1 g. Höchtmenge von DurchfallStopp Plus: 68,5 g/kg Alleinfuttermittel.Fütterungsempfehlung (Kapseln): Über 1-7 Tage täglich dem Futter beifügen. Katzen: 1 Kapsel/Tier. Hunde: 1 Kapsel/10 kg Körpergewicht. Kapselfüllmenge: ca. 0,8 g. Höchtmenge von DurchfallStopp Plus: 68,5 g/kg Alleinfuttermittel.Die gleichzeitige orale Verabreichung von Makroliden ist zu vermeiden.Es wird empfohlen, vor der Verwendung den Rat eines Tierarztes einzuholen. 

EquiGreen Gastric Protection 1.5 kg
EquiGreen Gastric Protection 1.5 kg
Complementary feed for horsesSupport of the regeneration of the gastrointestinal tract due to feedingDue to the high bonding capacity, the sensitive mucous membranes are positively influenced in their natural regeneration, and a better absorption of required substances is promoted. The protective ingredients coat the gastric and intestinal, mucous membranes and, thus, ensure a natural and gentle remediation.Composition: peat, green oat, apple pectin, linseed, sage, licorice root, spirulina, grape pips mealAdditives per kg: technological additives: bentonite 1m558i 50 gThe total amount of bentonite must not exceed the permitted maximum level in complete feedingstuff of 20000 mg/kg of complete feedingstuff.Analytical constituents and levels: crude ash 9.9%, crude protein 9.7%, crude fat 7.3%, crude fiber 13.3%, sodium 0.18 %Feeding recommendation: 25-50 g daily for at least 6 weeks. In case of increased need, the indicated feeding quantity can be doubled. 1 measuring spoon corresponds to approx. 8 g.The simultaneous oral use with macrolides shall be avoided.

Content: 1.5 Kilogramm (€55.97* / 1 Kilogramm)

EquiGreen GutActive 1 L
EquiGreen GutActive 1 L
Complementary feed (liquid, fermented) for horsesNutrition-related support of the intestinal floraFor the production of EquiGreen GutActive wild plants and herbs are together fermented in a natural process. During this fermentation multiply the probiotic microorganisms and produce it so valuable for us substances for example lactic acid, antioxidants, enzymes and vitamins. Through this particular mixture of valuable lactic acid bacteria and Co.the pH value in the digestive tract can be regulated, the development of pathogenic bacteria is reduced on the natural way. This makes EquiGreen GutActive to a holistic product in which all the components complement each other and act together. The fermented herbs in EquiGreen GutActive support the balance of intestinal flora and the entire microbiological situation.- Milk-free and therefore very well suited for milk and milk product intolerance.- Sugar-free and therefore suitable for diabetics. During the fermentation process to increase the lactic acid bacteria by breaking down the sugar and turn it into lactic and acetic acid. Only after the sugar is completely degraded, is completed the fermentation process.- Contains no alcohol.- The contained herbs are after the fermentation isn´t in the original form available and are thereby homeopathy compatible and most easily compatible.Expert tip: Before the first feeding EquiGreen GutClean is recommended!Composition: stinging nettle, echinacea, hibiscus, oregano, peppermint, stevia, fenugreek seed, ribwort plantain leaves, licorice root, yarrow herb, wormwood herb, marshmallow roots, thyme, Chinese rhubarb root, anise, fennel, raspberry leaves, cowslip roots, aronia berries pomace, spiny restharrow roots, rosemary leaves, sunflower blossoms, rock salt, sugar cane molassesAnalytical constituents: crude protein 0.2%, crude fiber 0.2%, crude fat 0%, crude ash 0%, moisture 98.3%, sodium 0.031%Feeding recommendation: Add 20-25 ml/200 kg body weight 1 x daily to the feed for at least 4-6 weeksStore it cool and dark, protect from frost!

EquiGreen ToxiVet sorb 900 g
Complementary feed (powder) for horsesFor demand-oriented feeding of metabolically sensitive horses with toxin-binding and prebiotic propertiesIn the feeding of our horses, there are ever greater barriers to overcome in order to ensure a feeding that is as close to nature as possible. Toxin contamination in the basic feed, as well as the over-supply of protein, are often the causes of metabolic overloads.EquiGreen ToxiVet sorb contains highly efficient ingredients that can contribute to adsorbing toxins and at the same time to reliefe the liver. The intestine is being supported to adsorb toxins and subsequently to excrete them. This way, it is made difficult for harmful substances to penetrate into the organism.EquiGreen ToxiVet sorb is rich in natural B vitamins, trace elements, and essential amino acids. Due to mannan-oligosaccharides (MOS), the mucous protective barrier of the intestine and its non-specific immune system is positively influenced.For the micronutrient supply we recommend additionaly EquiGreen HuminoMineral.Expert tip: If EquiGreen GutActive is fed at the same time, the individual products should be fed with a time delay (e.g. morning/evening).Composition: brewers‘ yeast cell walls (MOS), wheatgrass root, rockroseAdditives/kg: Technological additives: bentonite (1m558i) 370 gThe total amount of bentonite must not exceed the permitted maximum level in complete feedingstuff of 20000 mg/kg of complete feedingstuff.Analytical constituents: crude protein 13.7%, crude fat 4.4%, crude fiber 7.1%, crude ash 34.5%, ash insoluble in HCl 30.0%, calcium 0.79%, phosphorus 0.28%, sodium 0.15%Feeding recommendation: Add 10-25 g/animal daily to the feed as required. 1 tbsp. corresponds to approx. 10 g.The simultaneous oral use with macrolides shall be avoided.

Content: 0.9 Kilogramm (€35.50* / 1 Kilogramm)

feliTATZ Gastric Protection 25 g
feliTATZ Gastric Protection 25 g
Complementary feed (powder) for catsAcid buffer, mucosal protection, and toxin binding – feeding-related support for the regeneration of the gastrointestinal tractEven our otherwise robust domestic cats can suffer from sensitivities in the stomach area. Frequent vomiting, especially directly after eating, reluctance to eat or general indisposition can be signs that the stomach is in turmoil.feliTatz Gastric Protection supports the natural regeneration of the sensitive mucous membranes without interfering with the absorption of important and necessary ingredients from food. The protective substances coat the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, and thus ensure a natural and gentle rehabilitation. In addition, the excess stomach acid, which is often a cause of nausea, is bound.Composition: peat, green oat, pectin, linseed, sage leaves, licorice root, spirulina, grape pips mealAdditives/kg: Technological additives: bentonite (1m558i) 50 g.The total amount of bentonite must not exceed the permitted maximum level in complete feedingstuff of 20000 mg/kg of complete feedingstuff.Analytical constituents: crude protein 9.7%, crude fat 7.3%, crude fiber 13.3%, crude ash 9.9%Feeding recommendation: Add daily ca. 1 g/5 kg body weight to the feed for at least 6 weeks. 1 half tsp. corresponds to ca. 1 g.The simultaneous oral use with macrolides shall be avoided.

Content: 0.025 Kilogramm (€398.00* / 1 Kilogramm)

feliTATZ GutFlora 50 ml
feliTATZ GutFlora 50 ml
Complementary feed (liquid, fermented) for catsFor the nutritional support of the intestinal floraBillions of tiny microorganisms are found in the intestine. A distinction is made between pathogenic bacteria and bacteria that are beneficial for healthy intestinal flora, as for example lactic acid bacteria. These ‘good‘ bacteria are diligent helpers of the immune system and have a positive influence on the digestive juices, enzymes, and the intestinal mucosa.If the natural intestinal flora is disturbed, excessive colonization by pathogenic agents may occur. Antibiotic administration, worming or feed changes/intolerances can, among other things, lead to disturbances of the intestinal flora. Probiotic microorganisms contained in fermented herbs can improve the intestinal flora. Therefore, regular feeding with feliTATZ GutFlora is recommended, even in the case of nutrition-related disturbances of the intestinal flora and digestion.Displacement of pathogenic bacteriaStimulation of the immune systemImproved digestion of foodMaintenance of intestinal peristalsisExpert tip: Especially recommended for digestive disorders, after antibiotic administration and chemical worming.Composition: stinging nettle, echinacea, hibiscus, oregano, peppermint, stevia, fenugreek seed, ribwort plantain leaves, licorice root, yarrow herb, wormwood herb, marshmallow roots, thyme, Chinese rhubarb root, anise, fennel, raspberry leaves, cowslip roots, aronia berries pomace, spiny restharrow roots, rosemary leaves, sunflower blossoms, rock salt, sugar cane molassesAnalytical constituents: crude protein 0.2%, crude fiber 0.2%, crude fat 0%, crude ash 0%, moisture 98.3%, sodium 0.031%Feeding recommendation: Add 1-2 x a week give 1-2 ml to the feed. 10 drops correspond to approx. 0.3 ml.Store it cool and dark, protect from frost!

Content: 0.05 Liter (€199.00* / 1 Liter)

feliTATZ GutRegulator 50 g
feliTATZ GutRegulator 50 g
Complementary feed (powder) for catsFor demand-oriented feeding of metabolically sensitive cats with toxin-binding and prebiotic propertiesfeliTATZ GutRegulator contains highly efficient ingredients that can contribute to adsorbing toxins and at the same time to reliefe the liver. The intestine is being supported to adsorb toxins and subsequently to excrete them. This way, it is made difficult for harmful substances to penetrate into the organism.feliTATZ GutRegulator is rich in natural B vitamins, trace elements, and essential amino acids. Due to mannan-oligosaccharides (MOS), the mucous protective barrier of the intestine and its non-specific immune system is positively influenced.Expert tip: It can be used to support nutrition-related diarrhea - also in combination with feliTATZ GutFlora. However, the individual products should be fed with a time delay (e.g. morning/evening).Composition: brewers‘ yeast cell walls (MOS), wheatgrass root, rockroseAdditives/kg: Technological additives: bentonite (1m558i) 370 gThe total amount of bentonite must not exceed the permitted maximum level in complete feedingstuff of 20000 mg/kg of complete feedingstuff.Analytical constituents: crude protein 13.7%, crude fat 4.4%, crude fiber 7.1%, crude ash 34.5%, ash insoluble in HCl 30.0%, calcium 0.79%, phosphorus 0.28%, sodium 0.15%Feeding recommendation: Add 0.5 g/10 kg body weight daily to the feed as required. 1 quarter tsp. corresponds to approx. 0.8 g.The simultaneous oral use with macrolides shall be avoided.

Content: 0.05 Kilogramm (€179.00* / 1 Kilogramm)

feliTATZ Toxisan 20 ml
feliTATZ Toxisan 20 ml
Complementary feed (liquid) for catsFeeding-related, immediate support for liver and kidneysWhen it comes to digestion, the first thing that comes to mind is the stomach and, of course, immediately the intestines. But people often forget to look at the liver and kidneys. In addition to eliminating harmful substances, the liver also regulates fat, protein, and sugar metabolism. And the kidneys also play a decisive role among the digestive organs. They are real specialists when it comes to removing harmful substances from the blood. Drugs, environmental toxins, and other harmful substances are filtered and flushed out of the body. But every now and then, even experts need help and support.Whether strains from medications, vaccinations, worming or toxins: Liver and kidneys can also reach their limits. Often signs can be seen early on, but are not recognized as such:coat and skin problemsallergiesdigestive disorderssusceptibility to recurring ear problemsfoot and body odorfeliTATZ Toxisan provides a variety of herbs that help support the body‘s own detoxification and cleansing processes of the liver and kidney systems. They stimulate the metabolism of the animal and can thus optimally support the detoxification organs and the entire organism.Composition: ginkgo leaves, stinging nettle herb, milk thistle herb, goldenrod herb, Dead Sea salt, birch leaves, wild pansy herb, mountain arnica blossoms, marigold blossomsAdditives/kg: Preservatives: lactic acid (1a270) 9.44 g. Flavouring compounds: ethanol (2b02078) 76.3 g.Analytical constituents: crude protein 0.5%, crude fiber 1.75%, crude fat 0.5%, crude ash 1.0%, moisture 93%Feeding recommendation: Shake before use. Add 0.5 ml/5 kg body weight to the feed daily for at least 8 weeks. Detoxification is a strenuous and individual process for the body, so always start with only 0.2 ml and slowly increase the feeding amount every 3-5 days up to the recommended feeding amount/kg body weight. 10 drops correspond to approx. 0.3 ml.

Content: 0.02 Liter (€647.50* / 1 Liter)

Fit-BARF GutFlora 100 ml
Fit-BARF GutFlora 100 ml
Complementary feed (liquid, fermented) for dogs and catsSupport of intestinal condition, especially in case of nutritionally disturbed intestinal flora and digestive problemsBillions of tiny microorganisms are found in the intestine. A distinction is made between pathogenic bacteria (pathogens that cause disease) and bacteria that are beneficial for healthy intestinal flora, such as lactic acid bacteria. These ‘good‘ bacteria are hard-working helpers of the immune system and have a positive influence on digestive juices, enzymes, and the intestinal mucosa. The pathogens are properly fought and displaced. In addition, an intact intestinal flora ensures a good digestion.If the natural intestinal flora is disturbed, excessive colonization by pathogens can occur and the dog gets diarrhea. Antibiotic treatments can also attack the protective function - often the drugs do not distinguish between ‘good‘ and ‘bad‘ bacteria. The intestinal flora is disturbed, its defense mechanism functions only to a limited extent and the intestinal wall is adversely affected.The ancestor of our dog - the wolf - therefore also eats the digestive organs of its prey. They contain all the necessary microorganisms for a well-functioning intestinal flora. It is not always possible to feed fresh rumen or omasum. Even frozen they do not compensate for the lack of valuable bacteria and enzymes, as these are destroyed by freezing. This deficiency can be compensated very well with fermented herbs. Therefore, regular feeding with Fit-BARF DarmFlora is recommended, even with nutritionally disturbed intestinal flora as well as digestive problems.Displacement of pathogenic bacteriaStimulation of the immune systemImproved digestion of foodMaintenance of intestinal peristalsisComposition: stinging nettle, echinacea, hibiscus, oregano, peppermint, stevia, fenugreek seed, ribwort plantain leaves, licorice root, yarrow herb, wormwood herb, marshmallow roots, thyme, Chinese rhubarb root, anise, fennel, raspberry leaves, cowslip roots, aronia berries pomace, spiny restharrow roots, rosemary leaves, sunflower blossoms, rock salt, sugar cane molassesAnalytical constituents: crude protein 0.2%, crude fiber 0.2%, crude fat 0%, crude ash 0%, moisture 98.3%, sodium 0.03%Feeding recommendation: Add 1.5-2 ml/5 kg body weight to the feed 1 x daily for at least 4-6 weeks. Thereafter, regular feeding is recommended 1-2 x a week or as required.Store it cool and dark, protect from frost!

Content: 0.1 Liter (€109.50* / 1 Liter)

Kräuter, Pflanze, Essen, Ketchup, Astragalus
Gastric Protection 100 g
Complementary feed (powder) for dogs and catsAcid buffer, mucosal protection, and toxin bonding - in support of the regeneration of the gastrointestinal tract due to feedingDue to the high bonding capacity, the sensitive mucous membranes are positively influenced in their natural regeneration, and a better absorption of required substances is promoted. The protective ingredients coat the gastric and intestinal, mucous membranes and, thus, ensure a natural and gentle remediation.Composition: peat, green oat, pectin, linseed, sage leaves, licorice root, spirulina, grape pips mealAdditives/kg: Technological additives: bentonite (1m558i) 50 g.The total amount of bentonite must not exceed the permitted maximum level in complete feedingstuff of 20000 mg/kg of complete feedingstuff.Analytical constituents: crude protein 9.7%, crude fat 7.3%, crude fiber 13.3%, crude ash 9.9%, sodium 0.18%Feeding recommendation: Add to the feed daily for at least 6 weeks. Cats: ca. 1 g/5 kg body weight. Dogs: ca. 2 g/10 kg body weight. 1 tsp. corresponds to approx. ca. 2 g.The simultaneous oral use with macrolides shall be avoided.

Content: 0.1 Kilogramm (€149.50* / 1 Kilogramm)
