Sahne, Nachtisch, Essen, Eiscreme, Werbung
Sahne, Nachtisch, Eiscreme, Soft-Serve-Eiscreme, Werbung

Willkommen bei PetGelato - Das Eis für Hunde und Katzen

Erfrischung für Deine Lieblinge, Genuss für jeden Moment

Kennst Du das Problem? An heißen Tagen hecheln Deine Haustiere unaufhörlich und suchen verzweifelt nach Abkühlung. Normale Leckerlis sind oft ungesund und bieten keine Erfrischung. Hier kommt PetGelato ins Spiel!

Bank, Mobiliar, Hund, Haustier

Ideal für jede Jahreszeit

Ob als kühle Erfrischung im Sommer oder als besonderes Leckerli das ganze Jahr über - PetGelato ist die perfekte Belohnung für Deine pelzigen Freunde. Einfach das Pulver mit Wasser anmischen, einfrieren und genießen lassen.

Einfache Zubereitung

PetGelato ist kinderleicht zuzubereiten. Mische das Pulver mit Wasser, fülle es in ein Förmchen und lasse es im Gefrierschrank fest werden. Schon nach wenigen Stunden ist das köstliche Eis fertig zum Verzehr.

Warum PetGelato?

  • Natürliche Zutaten: Hochwertige, natürliche Zutaten ohne künstliche Zusätze. Keine versteckten Inhaltsstoffe, die Deinem Tier schaden könnten.
  • Gesund und Lecker: Ausgewogene Nährstoffe für optimalen Genuss. Dein Liebling wird es lieben und gleichzeitig gesund bleiben.
  • Praktisches Pulver: Einfach selbst anmischen, einfrieren und immer frisches Eis parat haben. Kein lästiges Lagern von fertigem Eis nötig.
  • Vielfalt für jeden Geschmack: Ob fruchtig oder herzhaft – für jeden Geschmack ist etwas dabei.

Jetzt Probieren und Begeistern Lassen

Überzeuge Dich selbst und verwöhne Deine Haustiere mit PetGelato. Unsere liebevoll entwickelten Sorten sind der Renner bei Hunden und Katzen und werden auch Deine Vierbeiner begeistern.

Bestelle jetzt und mache Dein Haustier glücklich!

PetGelato - Das Eis, das Haustiere lieben.

petGelato HägenRübli
Complementary feed for dogs, cats and horsesThe healthy alternative for hot summer days! Delicious cooling with vitamins and trace elements from natural ingredients.Not only our tongues hang in the summer to the ground. What would we do for a delicious cooling. The ice cream shop around the corner, the supermarket next door, US may provide a remedy. And who thinks of our animals? Clearly, cdVet.Dogs love a little cooling in between, horses like to lick in summer mineral stones and cats would like to steal us the scoop of ice cream from the waffle. Through increased sweating, the animals lose minerals and trace elements. With petGelato it offers the animal a great change and cooling on warm days. At the same time we fill the memory with all-natural ingredients on again. petGelato is a feed in powder form specifically for animals, which is very tasty and can be easily transformed to ice. Depending on package size, mix the corresponding amount of water. After 20 minutes of swelling time, it goes into the freezer.Expert’s tip:For the gourmets among animals petGelato can even be refined individually:Dogs: minced meat, dried meat, canned meatHorses: grated carrots and apples and bananaCats: tuna in its own juiceAs ramekins for our dogs, special ice-cream containers can be used, the ice-cream stick is replaced by a cattle skin rod instead of a wood stalk. Empty chewing hooves can also be filled. Thus, the dog has another fun after cooling. 2 in 1, at first licking then chewing.For horses, at the best, small reusable cans can be filled from which you can easily remove the ice. In feed bucket or directly in the pasture this provides an ingenious alternative to mineral lick stone.Cats like it more in small portions? No problem, just fill an ice cube container and remove petGelato in portions.Composition:Carrot pomace, maerl , rosehip, malt rootlets, grape pips meal, brewer’s yeastAnalytical constituents and Levels:Crude protein 7%, crude oil and fat 1.3%, crude fiber 14.6%, crude ash 28.5%, calcium 9.1%, phosphorus 0.2%, sodium 0.18%Feeding recommendation (50g packaging size): Mix the contents of the can with 230ml of water (results in approx. 250ml of ice) and allow to swell for 15 - 20 minutes.Feeding recommendation (150g packaging size): Mix the contents of the can with 690ml of water (results in approx. 780ml of ice) and allow to swell for 15 - 20 minutes.Feeding recommendation (375g packaging size): Mix the contents of the can with 1725ml of water (results in approx. 2000ml of ice) and allow to swell for 15 - 20 minutes.Feeding recommendation (from 3.5kg packaging size): Mix 375g petGelato StracciaVitales with 1725ml water (results in approx. 2000ml of ice) and allow to swell for 15 - 20 minutes.Fill into suitable containers and allow to freeze completely. Depending on the size of the ice container 1 - 2.5 hours.Small dogs / cats 1 - 2 ice cubes a day (small ice)Medium dogs 3 - 5 ice cubes a day (medium ice)Big dogs / horses 4 - 8 ice cubes a day (big ice)

petGelato HappyApple 44 g
petGelato HappyApple 44 g
Complementary feed (powder) for dogs and catsA special kind of ice cream mixture - pampers your pet on hot summer days with a delicious cooling and can replenish electrolyte losses caused by sweatingTasty and light!The summer can come: The new petGelato varieties are here!The fruity fresh varieties petGelato HappyApple and petGelato FrostyBerry score with excellent acceptance, even with the biggest sweet teeth. Not only are they a hit with our four-legged friends in terms of taste, but they also supply them with high-quality protein, provide instant energy, and quickly replenish the electrolyte stores affected by the heat. This makes petGelato HappyApple and petGelato FrostyBerry the ideal summer refreshment for demanding four-legged friends who don‘t let dog days slow them down.Expert tip: As ramekins for our dogs can be used special ice cream containers. The popsicle stick is simply replaced with a cowhide stick instead of wooden handle. Empty chewing hooves can also be filled. Thus, after cooling down, the dog has another fun: 2 in 1, first lick then chew.Cats like it rather in small portions? No problem, simply fill an ice cube tray and take out petGelato in portions.Composition: sweet whey powder, apple pomace, dextrose, Dead Sea saltAnalytical constituents: crude protein 10.5%, crude fat 1.7%, crude fiber 5.2%, crude ash 7.5%Feeding recommendation: Mix 44 g of ice powder well with 200 ml of water and allow to swell for 15-20 minutes. Pour into suitable containers and freeze completely, depending on the size of the ice container ca. 1-2.5 hours.Small dogs/cats: 1-2 ice cubes a day (small ice). Midsize dogs: 3-5 ice cubes a day (medium ice). Large dogs: 4-8 ice cubes a day (large ice).

Content: 0.044 Kilogramm (€112.50* / 1 Kilogramm)

petGelato FrostyBerry 44 g
petGelato FrostyBerry 44 g
Complementary feed (powder) for dogs and catsA special kind of ice cream mixture - pampers your pet on hot summer days with a delicious cooling and can replenish electrolyte losses caused by sweatingTasty and light!The summer can come: The new petGelato varieties are here!The fruity fresh varieties petGelato HappyApple and petGelato FrostyBerry score with excellent acceptance, even with the biggest sweet teeth. Not only are they a hit with our four-legged friends in terms of taste, but they also supply them with high-quality protein, provide instant energy, and quickly replenish the electrolyte stores affected by the heat. This makes petGelato HappyApple and petGelato FrostyBerry the ideal summer refreshment for demanding four-legged friends who don‘t let dog days slow them down.Expert tip: As ramekins for our dogs can be used special ice cream containers. The popsicle stick is simply replaced with a cowhide stick instead of wooden handle. Empty chewing hooves can also be filled. Thus, after cooling down, the dog has another fun: 2 in 1, first lick then chew.Cats like it rather in small portions? No problem, simply fill an ice cube tray and take out petGelato in portions.Composition: sweet whey powder, strawberry pomace, beetroot, dextrose, Dead Sea saltAnalytical constituents: crude protein 12.1%, crude fat 2.5%, crude fiber 6.4%, crude ash 8.3%Feeding recommendation: Mix 44 g of ice powder well with 200 ml of water and allow to swell for 15-20 minutes. Pour into suitable containers and freeze completely, depending on the size of the ice container ca. 1-2.5 hours.Small dogs/cats: 1-2 ice cubes a day (small ice). Midsize dogs: 3-5 ice cubes a day (medium ice). Large dogs: 4-8 ice cubes a day (large ice).

Content: 0.044 Kilogramm (€112.50* / 1 Kilogramm)


DIY Sommersnack

Wenn du auf der Suche nach einer besonderen Köstlichkeit für deinen Hund bist, haben wir genau das Richtige für dich: einen DIY-Sommersnack, der nicht nur erfrischt, sondern auch für Spiel und Spaß sorgt.

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