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Natural horse health

Healthy and well-groomed from mane to hoof with EquiGreen

EquiGreen is the brand for natural feed supplements & care products for horses. In addition to high-quality herbal mixtures & minerals for the balanced feeding of horses and ponies, the EquiGreen brand offers a wide range of products. You will find support for the time of breeding, birth and rearing through to the care of your senior horse.

Intestinal rehabilitation

Find out here what influence the diet has on the intestinal flora and how you can get the immune system back on track with an intestinal cleanse.

Intestinal rehabilitation

Sweet itch

Unfortunately, sweet itch in horses isn't uncommon. Find out here what you can do to support therapy in the areas of nutrition and care.

Sweet itch


An adequate supply of essential nutrients and trace elements is important for a healthy horse's life.


Brewer's yeast

Read an article on the topic of brewer's yeast in feed here – navigating the jungle of supplementary feed declarations

Brewer's yeast

Vacation with horse

Taking horses on holiday can be a challenge. Here we have a checklist so that you can start your holiday relaxed.


Burnout in horses

It is becoming increasingly common for horses to suffer from burnout. Read here to find out whether your horse is also showing the first signs. 


Brake & Flies

Here we have some useful information for you on the subject of braking and flying. 

Brake & Flies


Horses also suffer from tick bites. Read here how you can protect your horse from these bloodsuckers.


Coat change

Spring and fall are the times when changing your horse's coat becomes a challenge.  Read here how you can optimally support your pet. 

Coat change

Respiratory system

Especially in colder seasons, many horses have respiratory problems. Find out here how you can support the respiratory condition with essential oils and herbs.

Respiratory system

Back of the Pastern Spray

Are you looking for a product to care for mumps or abrasions? Then you've come to the right place.

Back of the Pastern Spray


We have compiled useful information on the subject of worms in horses for you here. 



You can find everything you need to know about joint support for horses here. 



Digestion plays a central role in the life of a horse. This makes it all the more important to pay special attention to it. 



Many problems stem from a weakened immune system. Find out here how you can optimally strengthen the immune system through food. 


EquiGreen AcceptanceMix 2.5 kg
Complementary feed (powder) for horsesTasty mixture of high-quality, purely natural ingredients for better feed intake of complementary feedMetabolism and digestive system of horses, ponies, and donkeys are designed for the continuous intake of feed that is rich in raw fibres, low in energy and protein. Only through breeding of larger, heavy animals for work in the field, in front of the carriage, and under the rider, the feeding of grain as concentrate became necessary. However, the digestive system is actually not designed for such concentrate. The metabolism may also have problems processing these nutrients. This is especially the case with frugal, robust breeds of horses, as well as ponies and donkeys, in whose area of origin not much grain is available for feeding horses.Therefore, it is often problematic to feed these animals with complementary feed, as the usual concentrate and muesli feed contains cereals and is usually not good for them. But how then how to balance their often increased need for micronutrients? Sea minerals are essential for ponies that originally came from islands. Many North American horse breeds are attuned to the presence of mineral complexes in the soil, which are lacking in our country. Also otherwise, intensive agriculture has resulted in a much less species-rich and less diverse feed basis than in the past. This can also lead to deficits in the micronutrient area.But how can we now feed these important, sometimes less tasty nutrients without burdening the organism with potentially harmful concentrate or muesli food? The answer is EquiGreen AcceptanceMix, a tasty mix of high-quality, purely natural ingredients that is ideal for feeding complementary feed without burdening the metabolism and digestive tract. It is because it contains neither concentrated carbohydrates nor synthetic additives, and can help maintain the health of horses, ponies and donkeys, particularly those that are sensitive to metabolism. Especially for animals suffering from diseases of civilisation (founder, summer eczema, malanders, fecal water) and metabolic disorders (EMS Cushing, PSSM, Pyroluria etc.), which are becoming more and more frequent, the addition of concentrated natural micronutrients is very important, and therefore a feed that supports their intake.Composition: green oat*, grass, herbs, legume plants*, rose hip husks, linseed expeller**97% of the ingredients are from controlled organic cultivation. Eco Control Center DE-ÖKO-001, EU/non-EU agriculture.Analytical constituents: crude protein 9.2%, crude fat 2.6%, crude fiber 21.5%, crude ash 10.6%, ash insoluble in HCl 3.5%, sodium 0.02%Feeding recommendation: 1 x daily or as required, moisten 100-200 g with lukewarm water, and then mix in the feed supplementation

Content: 2.5 Kilogramm (€13.98* / 1 Kilogramm)

EquiGreen Back of the Pastern Spray 50 ml
Care product for horsesSpray for daily care of the back of the pasternsEquiGreen Back of the Pastern Spray cares for and protects the irritated, stressed skin of the horse. Via milieu-improving ingredients, the self-regulation is strengthened and the colonization of pathogenic microorganisms and fungi on the skin is impeded. Nourishing oils and sea salt soothe the skin and contribute to faster regeneration. EquiGreen Back of the Pastern Spray reduces itching and chafing and can, therefore, be used as an adjunctive therapy for malanders and abrasions, as well as for skin irritations in the tail or mane area.reduces itchingstrengthens the skin microbiomenourishes and protectspromotes regeneration and stabilizesComposition: aqua, liverwort, rockrose, savory, Dead Sea salt, emulsifier, Egyptian organic black cumin oil, marigold, lavender oil, Aloe vera, frankincense oilApplication recommendation: apply on the cleansed skin areas 2 x dailyContains lavender oil. May produce an allergic reaction.

Content: 0.05 Liter (€299.00* / 1 Liter)

EquiGreen BroodmaresMix 800 g
EquiGreen BroodmaresMix 800 g
Complementary feed (powder, coarse structure) for maresFor additional feeding in the event of fertility problems and for nutrition-related support of the uterine conditionEquiGreen BroodmaresMix has been developed to nutritionally support the mare‘s fertility. This special blend can promote blood circulation in the uterus, strengthen its muscles and thus facilitate the birth process and subsequent regeneration of the mare. EquiGreen BroodmareMix compensates for nutritional imbalances in the last weeks of gestation and in the first lactation phase and activates the metabolism.Herbs & FertilityThe minerals, trace elements and vitamins contained in herbs can compensate for the lack of herbs in today‘s meadows and thus provide a wide range of support during birthing:Fertility-supporting herbs stimulate and regulate the hormone balance and thus also ovulation (or the production of the corpus luteum for implantation of the egg).Phytohormones strengthen the uterine tissue and can support the birth and foaling process.The physiological detachment of the placenta is naturally supported.Vitamins & FertilityThe feeding of a not in foal mare should be adapted to her actual energy and micronutrient requirements:Special features, such as a lactating mare, must be taken into account.Nutrient deficiencies should be compensated for before the mating, in order to promote the probability of a good intake and healthy foal development.Vitamin A, is the `fertility vitamin´ - a deficiency can lead to loss of fertility or malformations, even death of the embryo.An additional supply of ß-carotene before conception and during gestation is therefore recommended.Composition: carrots, ladys mantle herb, birch leaves, stinging nettle herb, chamomile blossoms, yarrow herbAnalytical constituents: crude protein 11.7%, crude fat 3.5%, crude fiber 11.6%, crude ash 7.3%, calcium 0.85%, phosphorus 0.34%, sodium 0.26%Feeding recommendation: Add 15-20 g/animal to the feed daily. 1 tbsp. corresponds to approx. 4 g. Fertility promotion: 3-4 weeks before covering and a further 3 weeks during existing gestation. Gestating mares: 3 weeks before the expected date of foaling and 3 weeks after the foaling.Store it cool and dry.

Content: 0.8 Kilogramm (€47.44* / 1 Kilogramm)

EquiGreen Coat & Skin Vital 3 kg
EquiGreen Coat & Skin Vital 3 kg
Complementary feed for horsesFor demand-oriented feeding of horses and ponies prone to coat and skin problems. In case of imbalances in the skin and coat area - also in the change of coat, powderEquiGreen Coat & Skin Vital is specially designed to meet the nutritional needs of horses and ponies with skin problems. The optimally digestible blend of selected herbs contains vital substances from purely natural sources that are important for skin metabolism and can be fed to provide nutritional support for coat and skin. The contained herbs provide phytonutrients that are often missing in today‘s feeding. They provide the body with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and secondary plant metabolism substances, which are readily available and do not further burden the organism and its detoxification organs, which are already strained in these cases. The contained herbs provide phytonutrients that are often missing in today‘s feeding. They provide the body with vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and secondary plant substances, which are readily available and do not further burden the organism and its detoxification organs, which are already strained in these cases. The specially coordinated herbs support the barrier function of the skin. Dry skin with dandruff, hair loss, and itching is supplied with important vital substances and the body‘s own immune system is strengthened. The performance and well-being are thus promoted in a natural way.Expert tip: Proven combination of herbs to support in the change of coat.Composition: maerl, malt rootlets, milk thistle herb, wild pansy herb, couch gras root, stinging nettle herb, brewers‘ yeast cell walls (MOS), brewers´ yeast, grape pips meal, seaweed meal, ginkgo leaves, sea buckthorn berries, black cumin seed, spirulinaAdditives/kg: Technological additives: bentonite (1m558i) 40 g.The total amount of bentonite must not exceed the permitted maximum level in complete feedingstuff of 20000 mg/kg of complete feedingstuff.Analytical constituents: crude protein 13.6%, crude fat 3.3%, crude fiber 11.7%, crude ash 29.3%, ash insoluble in HCl 8.5%, calcium 7.01%, phosphorus 0.29%, natrium 0.32%Feeding recommendation: Add 50-80 g/animal to the feed 1 x daily for at least 3 months. 1 tbsp. corresponds to ca. 8.3 g.The simultaneous oral use with macrolides shall be avoided.

Content: 3 Kilogramm (€32.32* / 1 Kilogramm)

EquiGreen CushingMix 1 kg
EquiGreen CushingMix 1 kg
Complementary feed for horsesFor the nutrition-related support of horses and ponies prone to ECS, powderEquiGreen CushingMix is specially designed to meet the nutritional needs of horses and ponies with metabolic problems. It contains important vital substances from purely natural sources, which are readily available and do not further burden the organism and its detoxification organs, which are already stressed in these cases. With its balanced composition based on some selected herbs, EquiGreen CushingMix is an ideal feed complement for affected animals.Composition: monk’s pepper fruit, green oat, rose hip hucks, brewers‘ yeast cell walls (MOS), couch gras root, milk thistle herb, raspberry leaves, pansy herbAdditives/kg: Technological additives: bentonite (1m558i) 34 g, clinoptilolite of sedimentary origin (1g568) 20 gThe total amount of bentonite must not exceed the permitted maximum level in complete feedingstuff of 20000 mg/kg of complete feedingstuff. Total quantity of clinoptilolite of sedimentary origin from all sources shall not exceed the maximum content of 10000 mg/kg.Analytical constituents: crude protein 9.3%, crude fat 4.4%, crude fiber 23.0%, crude ash 8.8%, ash insoluble in HCl 4.5%, calcium 0.75%, sodium 0.1%, phosphorus 0.26%Feeding recommendation: 4.3 g/100 kg body weight for 8 weeks 1 x daily. 2 tsp. correspond to approx. 3.8 g.The simultaneous oral use with macrolides shall be avoided.

EquiGreen Detox-Powder 800 g
EquiGreen Detox-Powder 800 g
Mineral complementary feed for horsesNutrition-related support of ethnic breeds of horses with toxin-binding and prebiotic properties, powderEquiGreen Detox-Powder contains a high proportion of bentonite-montmorillonite, which is by nature particularly suitable for more ethnic horse breeds such as Quarter Horses, Icelandic and Arabian horses. These horse breeds are genetically adapted to areas with high silicate deposits and require larger amounts of these natural mineral earths.Toxin contamination in the basic feed, as well as the over-supply of protein, are often the causes of metabolic overloads. EquiGreen Detox-Powder contains highly efficient ingredients that can contribute to adsorbing toxins and at the same time to reliefe the liver. The intestine is being supported to adsorb toxins and subsequently to excrete them. This way, it is made difficult for harmful substances to penetrate into the organism.Contained prebiotics support the mucus-containing protective barrier of the intestine and its non-specific immune system. The combination with radical scavengers and kidney-supporting herbs makes EquiGreen Detox-Powder a must for metabolically sensitive horses that are genetically adapted to barren steppe landscapes with low-energy grasses.Composition: brewers‘ yeast cell walls (MOS), grape pips meal, couch gras root, stinging nettle herbAdditives per kg: Technological additives: bentonite (1m558i) 700 gThe total amount of bentonite must not exceed the permitted maximum level in complete feedingstuff of 20000 mg/kg of complete feedingstuff.Analytical constituents and levels: crude protein 7.6%, crude fat 1.5%, crude fiber 3.1%, crude ash 65.2%, ash insoluble in HCl 53.7%, calcium 1.37%, phosphorus 0.14%, sodium 0.18%Feeding recommendation: 7 g/200 kg body weight, 3.5 g per 100 kg body weight, add over the feed 1 x daily. 1 tbsp. corresponds to approx. 8.2 g.The simultaneous oral use with macrolides shall be avoided.

Content: 0.8 Kilogramm (€39.94* / 1 Kilogramm)

EquiGreen EquiMint 100 g
EquiGreen EquiMint 100 g
Care product for horsesBlood flow circulation of muscles with essential oilsBlood circulation is a key factor in the operation of all body functions. Only where blood flowis the body is able heal itself. EquiGreen EquiMint provides the skin with nourishing and caring substances and aids the blood circulation, without making the skin brittle. EquiGreen EquiMint is particularly nourishing, refreshing and soothing. It absorbs quickly into the skin and leaves no residues on the coat. Blood circulation is important: - for bruises - for the respiratory system - for sore muscles - for tensions - for stressed joints - for haematomas - for the excretion of waste productsComposition: with ethereal oils (peppermint, calendula, eucalyptus, tea tree)Directions for use: Rub a thin and even layer into the affected skin twice a day for at least 3 - 8 days.

Content: 0.1 Kilogramm (€139.50* / 1 Kilogramm)

Essen, Würzen, Sirup, Kosmetik, Parfüm
EquiGreen Equival 500 ml
Complementary feed for horsesEquiGreen Equival is a pure natural base oil and primarily intended as an optimal source of energyFeeding oil - with essential fatty acidsEquiGreen Equival is a mixture of high-quality cold-pressed vegetable oils. Cold-pressed food grade linseed oil forms the basis of this purely natural food oil. By the admixed function oils (evening primrose oil, wheat germ oil, pumpkin seed oil and argan oil) optimal, balanced supply is secured with essential fatty acids.Composition: linseed oil, evening primrose oil, wheat germ oil, pumpkin seed oil, argan oilAnalytical constituents and levels: crude protein 0,1%, crude fat 99.6%, crude fiber 0,1%, crude ash 0,1%, sodium 0,02%Feeding recommendation: as required, ponies: 10-30 ml, horses: 20-60 mlAfter opening store in a cool and dark place, and use within 6 weeks!

Content: 0.5 Liter (€45.90* / 1 Liter)

EquiGreen EstrusRegulat 1 kg
EquiGreen EstrusRegulat 1 kg
Complementary feed for horsesRegulates and harmonizes nutritionally the conduct of a mare in heat, powderA red cloth for many riders and horse owners are strongly rutting mares. While some mares are just quietly in heat, other horse ladies develop into true shrews.If the reactions of the mares go beyond the normal dimension, this can become a real problem for the rider. The result is often ride ability problems such as resistance to the rider‘s thigh, bucking, jamming, tailing and tension-related back problems.The behavior towards other horses often leads to inconvenience. Whether aggressive behavior towards box neighbors or crowd members or penetrating behavior to geldings, riding on other mares - a mare extremely in heat brings restlessness in stable community and crowd association and thus annoy two- and four-legged.With its balanced composition on the basis of monk peppers, green oats and a few selected herbs, EquiGreen EstrusRegulat is an ideal complementary feed for very rutting mares.Composition: monk’s pepper, green oat, rose hip hucks, brewers‘ yeast cell walls (MOS), couch gras root, milk thistle, raspberry leaves, pansy herbAdditives per kg: Technological additives: bentonite (1m558i) 34 g, clinoptilolite of sedimentary origin (1g568) 20 gThe total amount of bentonite must not exceed the permitted maximum level in complete feedingstuff of 20000 mg/kg of complete feedingstuff. Total quantity of clinoptilolite of sedimentary origin from all sources shall not exceed the maximum content of 10000 mg/kg.Analytical constituents and levels: crude protein 9.3%, crude fat 4.4%, crude fiber 23.0%, crude ash 8.8%, calcium 0.75%, sodium 0.1%, phosphorus 0.26%, ash insoluble in HCl 4.5%Feeding recommendation: 4.3 g/100 kg body weight for 8 weeks 1 x daily. 2 tsp. correspond to approx. 4.3 g.The simultaneous oral use with macrolides shall be avoided.

EquiGreen Frog Tincture 50 ml
Care product for horsesNatural care product for intensive cleaning in case of problems in the frog area of ??the hooves, also at thrushAt thrush, a rotting-like dissolution of the hoof frog occurs. It is caused by lack of cleanliness and care of the hooves, especially by standing in the damp manure.In order to protect horses from a new disease, a clean stable, as well as dry litter (EquiGreen HuminoVet granulate / powder) should be self-evident.Composition: alcohol, aqua, Melaleuca alternifolia oil, Polysorbate 20, Calendula officinalis extractApplication recommendation: Apply regularly on the frog and in the furrowShake before use!

Content: 0.05 Liter (€279.00* / 1 Liter)

EquiGreen Gastric Protection 1.5 kg
EquiGreen Gastric Protection 1.5 kg
Complementary feed for horsesSupport of the regeneration of the gastrointestinal tract due to feedingDue to the high bonding capacity, the sensitive mucous membranes are positively influenced in their natural regeneration, and a better absorption of required substances is promoted. The protective ingredients coat the gastric and intestinal, mucous membranes and, thus, ensure a natural and gentle remediation.Composition: peat, green oat, apple pectin, linseed, sage, licorice root, spirulina, grape pips mealAdditives per kg: technological additives: bentonite 1m558i 50 gThe total amount of bentonite must not exceed the permitted maximum level in complete feedingstuff of 20000 mg/kg of complete feedingstuff.Analytical constituents and levels: crude ash 9.9%, crude protein 9.7%, crude fat 7.3%, crude fiber 13.3%, sodium 0.18 %Feeding recommendation: 25-50 g daily for at least 6 weeks. In case of increased need, the indicated feeding quantity can be doubled. 1 measuring spoon corresponds to approx. 8 g.The simultaneous oral use with macrolides shall be avoided.

Content: 1.5 Kilogramm (€55.97* / 1 Kilogramm)

EquiGreen Gastric Protection NP 1.5 kg
EquiGreen Gastric Protection NP 1.5 kg
Complementary feed for horsesAcid buffer, mucosal protection and toxin bonding - in support of the regeneration of the gastrointestinal tract due to feedingDue to the high bonding capacity, the sensitive mucous membranes are positively influenced in their natural regeneration, and a better absorption of required substances is promoted. The protective ingredients coat the gastric and intestinal, mucous membranes and, thus, ensure a natural and gentle remediation.Composition: peat, green oat, apple pectin, linseed, sage, spirulina, grape pips mealAdditives per kg: technological additives: bentonite 1m558i 50 gThe total amount of bentonite must not exceed the permitted maximum level in complete feedingstuff of 20000 mg/kg of complete feedingstuff.Analytical constituents and levels: crude ash 9.9%, crude protein 9.7%, crude fat 7.3%, crude fiber 13.3%, sodium 0.18 %Feeding recommendation: 25-50 g daily for at least 6 weeks. In case of increased need, the indicated feeding quantity can be doubled. 1 measuring spoon corresponds to approx. 8 g.The simultaneous oral use with macrolides shall be avoided.

Content: 1.5 Kilogramm (€55.97* / 1 Kilogramm)
