Fit-BARF Safe-Complete 350 g

Hochwertiger natürlicher Futterzusatz für die ausgewogene und gesunde Fütterung mit Rohfleisch und zur Absicherung gegen gröbere Fütterungsmängel


Content: 0.35 Kilogramm (€48.43* / 1 Kilogramm)

Available in 1 day, delivery time 1-3 days

  • Advantages
  • Ergänzungsfuttermittel zur optimalen Versorgung mit wichtigen Nährstoffen
  • Gemüse-Kräuter Kombination mit wichtigen Vitaminen, Spurenelementen & Aminosäuren
  • Für eine getreidefreie & ausgeglichene Ernährung bei der Rohfütterung
  • Einfach in der Anwendung
  • Mit Tierheilpraktikern, Tierärzten und Tierbesitzern entwickelt
Product number: 1250
EAN: 4040056012509
Weight: 0.425 kg
Product information "Fit-BARF Safe-Complete 350 g"

Complementary feed (powder) for dogs

Natural complementary feed for protection against coarse feeding deficiencies, powder

Many dog owners, feeding their dogs with raw meat, assume that with a food ration based on the prey animal, the nutritional needs of their dogs are optimally covered. Nowadays, however, the ingredients used mostly come from industrial animal husbandry, which are often fed very one-sided and with regard to weight and growth and not to an optimal nutrient supply. In the past, when farm animals were kept on species- and herb-rich pastures and received feed mostly from their own cultivation, their diet was much more varied and above all rich in secondary plant substances. Nowadays, the latter are almost completely absent from farm animal feed for the reasons mentioned above.

Our dogs and cats need these secondary plant substances, which they originally found in the bodies of their prey, in order to remain permanently healthy and efficient.

Fit-BARF Safe-Complete was developed for this purpose. Its broad spectrum of micronutrient-rich fruits and vegetables, rounded off with herbs, algae, and other high-quality natural ingredients, compensates for the lack of secondary plant substances and other natural micronutrients in feeds of animal origin and thus enables a species-appropriate healthy nutrition. The calcium content of Fit-BARF Safe-Complete is very moderate and therefore it is especially suitable as a supplement in bone feeding, as well as a safeguard when feeding larger portions of leftovers.

Composition: maerl, grass, herbs, legume plant, linseed, apple pomace, parsnip root, aronia pomace, black currant pomace, eggshell powder, peat, sunflower seed expeller, malt rootlets, carrot pomace, brewers’ yeast, seaweed meal, grape pips meal, brewers‘ yeast cell walls (MOS), celery tuber, moringa

Analytical constituents: crude ash 24.7%, crude protein 11.0%, crude fat 6.4%, crude fiber 13.2%, ash insoluble in HCl 2.6%, calcium 8.46%, phosphorus 0.29%, sodium 0.14%

Feeding recommendation: Add 5 g/10 kg body weight daily to the feed. 1 tsp. corresponds to approx. 3 g.

Feed Profile: Aktiv & Sport, Vitamine, Freizeit, Zucht, BARF, Mineralstoffe / Spurenelemente, Fütterung
Ingredients: Algen, Apfel, Aronia, Bierhefe, Eierschale, Karotte, Lein, Malz, Moringa, Pastinake, Schwarze Johannisbeere, Seealgenmehl, Sellerie, Sonnenblume, Torf, Traubenkernmehl
Phase of life: Junior, Adult, Senior
Produkt form: Pulver
Produk type: Ergänzungsfuttermittel
Special Requirements: Darm, Fell, Gesundheit, Haut, Magen, Mineralien
Species: Hunde
Fit-BARF optimiert die natürliche Rohfütterungsform mit bewährten Konzeptprodukten zu einer rundum gesunden Ernährung. Fit-BARF liefert zu dieser Fütterungsform wichtige Nahrungsbausteine, wie Kräuter, Obst, Fettsäuren u.v.m. 

Die ausgewogenen Zutaten der Fit-BARF Produkte bilden die Grundlage für ein ausgeglichenes und funktionierendes BARF-Konzept! Fit-BARF Produkte sollten daher weder bei der Ernährung mit Frisch- noch bei Frostfleisch auf dem Speiseplan fehlen!
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