HustaVet Immune 1.6 kg

Zur natürlichen ernährungsbedingten Unterstützung einer gesunden Atemwegsfunktion und zur Steigerung der Vitalität und des Immunsystems.


Content: 1.6 Kilogramm (€26.84* / 1 Kilogramm)

Available, delivery time: 1-3 days

Product number: 2016
EAN: 4040056020160
Weight: 1.805 kg
Product information "HustaVet Immune 1.6 kg"

Complementary feed for dogs, cats, and horses

For demand-oriented feeding of respiratory sensitive animals. For the support of respiratory function and general condition, structural herbs

Animals with long-standing sensitivities of the respiratory tract function are often impaired in their overall immune defense. Since a large part of the immune defense is ensured via the intestine, HustaVet Immune also contains intestine-optimizing ingredients in addition to respiratory supporting bronchial herbs. The naturally contained vitamins can support the immune system. An optimal supply of vitamins and selected herbs promotes the immune defense and supports the physiological organ functions, e.g. the respiratory tract.

  • contains respiratory supporting bronchial herbs and vitamins that can support the immune system

  • supports the physiological organ functions e.g. of the respiratory tract

Expert tip: HustaVet Immune has proven itself especially in combination with HustaVet akut (with daily, time-delayed feeding).

Composition: linseed, hawthorn, carrot pomace, apple pomace, stinging nettle herb, beetroot, licorice root, spruce needles, thyme, dextrose, birch leaves

Analytical constituents: crude protein 10.4%, crude fat 8.9%, crude fiber 19.8%, crude ash 5,0%, calcium 0.74%, phosphorus 0.26%, sodium 0.03%

Feeding recommendation: Add 1 x daily to the feed. Cats, dogs: 1-2 g/10 kg bodyweight. Horses: 10 g/100 kg body weight. 1 half tsp. corresponds to ca. 0.9 g. 1 tbsp. corresponds to ca. 5.5 g.

HustaVet Immune can also be prepared excellently as a tea: Infuse 50 g with 500 ml of boiling water, allow to brew for a few minutes and add to the feed or add to warm mash. It has also been proven to alternate feeding on a daily basis: Day 1: dry herbs. Day 2: herbs as tea. Day 3: cold extract of the herbs.

Store it cool and dry.

Feed Profile: Aktiv & Sport, Vitamine, Freizeit, Zucht, BARF, Vegetarisch, Ohne Zusätze, Getreidefrei, Laktosefrei, Vegan, Fütterung
Ingredients: Apfel, Birke, Brennnesselkraut, Dextrose, Fichte, Karotte, Lein, Rote Beete, Süßholz, Thymian, Weißdorn
Phase of life: Junior, Adult, Senior
Produkt form: Pulver
Produk type: Ergänzungsfuttermittel
Special Requirements: Atemwege, Gesundheit, Herz, Husten, Immunsystem, Innere Organe, Kreislauf, Lunge, Stoffwechsel
Species: Hunde, Katzen, Pferde
Einzigartige Kombinationen aus wohltuenden Pflanzen- und Kräuterölen bilden die Grundlage für die HustaVet-Futterergänzungsserie. Alle Produkte sind speziell abgestimmt auf die Bedürfnisse atemwegsempfindlicher Tiere.
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